Since 2018
The European Cancer Forum has attracted over 600 participants and 80+ esteemed speakers, becoming a premier platform that brings together experts from Ministries of Health, the European Commission, the European Parliament, academia, patient groups, and industry representatives to advance the conversation on cancer policy in Europe. The annual event brings unparalleled insights into the progress and future of cancer policy in Europe and offers attendees the opportunity to make meaningful connections with top minds in the field.

In 2023
Patients, Policies, Plans: is Europe on track to beat cancer?
Ahead of the upcoming European Elections and the mid-term review of Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan scheduled for 2024, the fifth edition of the ECF was the perfect occasions to review progress and take a forward-looking approach to ensure that ambitions would translate into improved patient outcomes.
Academic experts, patient representatives, and European and national policymakers gathered to discuss the future of cancer care in Europe and the role that EU policy plays have in enabling equal access to high quality pathways across the Union.
Read more here

In 2022
Integrating innovation into health systems: Early action and ambitious targets
The fourth European Cancer Forum took place on 7 December 2022, at Residence Palace in Brussels, Belgium. The event consisted of three panels with stakeholders from the cancer community focusing on three topics:
o Improving treatment rates in cancer care
o Pulling the focus on early-stage cancer
o Implementation through targets
Watch the full recording, here.

In 2021
Building strong foundations – Exploring 3 critical challenges: ensuring that cancer policy delivers for patients
The third European Cancer Forum took place on 3 December 2021, fully online, with discussions focusing on three themes:
o Every cancer needs its own cancer plan. True?
o Measuring progress – an oncology dashboard?
o How to ensure plans are implemented?
The beginning

In 2020
Towards a new era in cancer care
The second European Cancer Forum in 2020 took place just one week ahead of the launch of the public consultation on the European Commission’s Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan. Policymakers, health professionals, cancer organisations, patient representatives and industry came together to discuss how to bring Europe into a new era of cancer care.

In 2018
Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan was yet to take form, however, the European Cancer Forum was the event where it was first discussed. The idea for a European Cancer Plan has growing momentum in 2018 and in his first speech as his party’s Spitzenkandidat, Manfred Weber promised to deliver a “EU master plan for fighting cancer” if he were elected in 2019. The European Cancer Forum has since become a platform to advance the conversations on cancer policy in Europe.